Best Seller Film Ever

Best Seller Film Ever

what the hell is your delay, captain? we're waiting, sir. waiting for what? pvt. doss. who the hell is pvt. doss? i always dream of being a doctor but, uh... i didn't get much school. i can't stay here while all them go fight for me.

would you figure this war is going to fit in with your ideas? while everybody else is taking life, i'm going to be saving it. that's going to be my way to serve. this is a personal gift from the united states government designed to bring death to the enemy. well, i'm sorry, sargeant. i can't touch a gun. you don't kill? no, sir. you know quite a bit of killing does occur in war.

pvt. doss does not believe in violence. do not look to him to save you on the battlefield. i don't think this a question of religion. i think this is cowardice. i fell in love with you, because you weren't like anyone else. they're saying you could go to prison. i don't know how i'm going to live with myself if i don't stay true to what i believe. with the world so set on tearing itself apart ... ... don't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little a bit of it back together.

pvt. doss, you're free to run into the hellfire of battle without a single weapon to protect yourself. i'm gonna get you home! there's something you gotta see! who did this? doss the coward. we'll have to go back up tomorrow. and then i'm gonna go up there without you. help me. you'll have to trust me.

you better come home to me. please, lord. help me get one more.

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