Living History Library Books
ancient magical book said to teach you superhumanabilities. the tales are spotted with examples of mysteriousancient texts which promise their readers and adherents powers beyond the realms ofordinary human beings. there is a great deal of evidence to suggestthat people in the past were deeply invested in the magical powers that these ancient tomesclaimed to offer and there are multiple medieval documents attesting to whether they workedor not. the hidden powers of the ars notoria one of the most famous of these purportedmagical books is the ars notoria, an ancient text which claims to teach the reader howto master academia and develop a perfect memory. it is believed that the book was written aspart of a textbook of magic with information on how to create talismans and amulets andhow to perform magical spells. by best estimates, the book was compiled betweenthe twelfth century and the thirteenth century by various authors and copies of the texthave been found in hebrew, greek, and